I am a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at King's College London's Department of Informatics. My primary research interests include machine learning, philosophy of science, and computational biology.

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Statistical Science at University College London, where I developed methods for causal discovery and inference. Before that, I earned my doctorate from the University of Oxford, studying algorithmic fairness and explainability. I am an Associate Editor at Philosophy & Technology, an occasional contributor to The Economist, and a Data Scientist at large for Queen Mary University’s Centre for Translational Bioinformatics.

TL;DR – I am passionate about developing rigorous, interpretable methods for analyzing complex systems in the natural and social sciences.

I also have the privilege of supervising some awesome doctoral candidates:
-Matthew Shorvon
-Jordan Penn
-Samuel Goring

When I’m not doing research, I like to play music and get real worked up about my favorite (and least favorite) books, plays, and movies.

Unrelatedly, here are some people and things I think are very cool:
-Hard bop
-Susan Sontag
